Monday, February 14, 2011

The Fourth Jokers Card - The Great Milenko :)

The Great Milenko

The Great Milenko is the fourth of the 6 Jokers Cards. It was released on June 25th, 1997. It was recorded in 1996 through 1997 and released by Hollywood Records and Pyschopathic Records. The album was recorded and initially released by the Disney-owned, Hollywood Records. Due to the graphic nature of the lyrics, the album was deleted by Hollywood Records hours after its release even when ICP complyed with their request to change the lyrics. They pulled the album off the shelves because criticism from the southern baptist church believed ICP's music didnt reflect Disney's family-friendly image. After the termination of their contract with Hollywood Records, they signed a contract with Island Records and The Great Milenko was re-released.
The Great Milenko is a Necromancer and Illusionist who tries to trick individuals into greed and other such sins. He takes out the worst in an individual and you must be able to fight his magic in order to make it to Shangri-la. This record was the first in the track "Pass me by"to give a big hint of the story to come. Personally, The Great Milenko was the best Jokers Card :)

1."Intro"  Alice Cooper, Deb Agoli2:00
2."Great Milenko"  Insane Clown Posse1:56
3."Hokus Pokus"  ICP, Deb Agoli, Kim Marro4:21
4."Piggy Pie"  ICP, Steve Jones, and Rich "Legs Diamond" Murrell5:46
5."How Many Times?"  ICP and Legs Diamond6:21
6."Southwest Voodoo"  ICP4:00
7."Halls of Illusions"  ICP, Slash, and Legs Diamond4:21
8."Under the Moon"  ICP5:00
9."What Is a Juggalo?"  ICP3:57
10."House of Horrors"  ICP, Deb Agoli, and Legs Diamond4:20
11."Boogie Woogie Wu"  ICP4:24
12."The Neden Game"  ICP4:05
13."Hellalujah"  ICP and Legs Diamond4:57
14."Down with the Clown"  ICP3:52
15."Just Like That"  ICP1:34
16."Pass Me By"  ICP and Legs Diamond6:42

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